About Christine

Meet Christine Wong

Christine is a seasoned life and relationship coach and therapist. With close to two decades of experience in coaching and psychotherapy work, she has affected real and permanent results faster in close to 50,000 adults from all walks of life.

Christine’s warm and open personality makes her relatable with her clients. Since 2004, she has been supporting her client’s self-discovery and deep realization process. Christine’s passion for facilitating personal transformation has brought her all around the world just to learn cutting edge modalities that create significant mental and emotional shifts.

She only uses modalities that are safe, effective and well supported by research in psychology. It allows for holistic explanations for the various emotional, mental and physical stresses of your life. It takes into account your real life experiences and brings you into close contact with your healthy identities.

Christine is already training the next generation of therapists in this framework. She also regularly invites top experts in the field of psychotherapy from around the world to teach in Singapore. Christine has dedicated her life to transforming communities, one life at a time.

  1. Master of Counselling (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
  2. ⁠⁠Diploma in Psychotherapy (School of positive Psychology, Singapore)
  3. ⁠Diploma in Trauma Studies (Institute of Trauma Studies, Norway)
  4. ⁠Advanced Diploma in Trauma Studies (Institute of Trauma Studies, Norway)

Christine has spoken on the following topics to various organisations:

Community Centres, Family Service Centres & Counselling Centres, Girls’ home, Social Organisations, Government, Corporate Organisations, Schools, Hospital, Insurance companies, Interest groups & Private Organisations

Popular talk titles that may benefit your community

  • 5 unconscious ways of sabotaging your relationship and how to overcome it.
  • 6 steps to immediate healthy parenting.
  • How childhood stress affects relationships and health.
  • How childhood bonding trauma may be mistaken for for ADHD, behavioural, learning – difficulties in a child/ adult.
  • Childhood bonding trauma and its effects on parents and children.
  • Discover the Science behind stress, depression, burnout and its solution.
  • Successful relationships creates success and wealth.
  • Life before, during and after birth.
  • How emotions affects our cognitive abilities.
  • 5 unconscious signs that your child is beyond stress and its solutions.
  • The Science and secrets of what has happened to the passion and purpose in our life.
  • 5 unconscious signs that we are depressed and its solutions
  • STRESS – why can’t we do without it? and when does it become toxic.
  • How to identity your dream career in 20 minutes.

Contact Christine for more information on speaking engagements that would be of interest and value to your community.